The European Commission has recently announced a new application round for traineeships who will start their period in March 2014. These traineeships provide a unique opportunity to get to know the how the various EU institutions operate.
A number of graduates from the Hedda master programme in higher education have taken these traineeships and they have provided to be an important stepping stone for future career in Brussels.
The traineeships last for five months from March 2014, and the Commission provides a basic grant for trainees – currently about a €1,000 per month in addition to reimbursement of travel expenses. Every year 1300 trainees will be selected.
The applicants can be from all over the world, with three main criteria:
- degree of at least 3 years of study (minimum a bachelor),
- very good knowledge of English or French or German.
- very good knowledge of a second EU official language (required for nationals of EU countries).
If you are interested in Community matters, this is a wonderful opportunity to build a network of acquintances and while there is no guarantee of further employment, high quality trainees can be recruited after completed traineeship following the general guidelines for employment. Read more about the rules for traineeships here.
The application procedure is explained here. Application deadline 30.08.13.